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“We are not owned by any hospital or university entity. Accordingly, when there is a service we do not provide in our office, I can offer my patients the best referrals regardless of which hospital system that involves,” Dr. Singh explained. Dr. Singh’s delivery of care is best described as patient-centered care.

“We are partners in the decision-making process. While I have the clinical expertise, it is the patient who will undergo the treatment and therefore they should always have the final say on what is right for them,” stated Dr. Singh. “I am a strong believer in evidence-based medicine.

Any medications or treatment advice I offer has a high-quality clinical trial behind it to support its use. There is no point in taking a pill without a good reason to justify its use. Information empowers patients to take control of their health; I want to be their change agent.”Dr. Singh is aware that patients may complain that their time with their doctor is too short.

“I recognize that office visits are often too short; I place a lot of emphasis on educational materials that are available on my personal website They reinforce information I provided in the office. I send regular newsletters to patients; these are also available on our website,” explained Dr. Singh. All patients receive a discharge summary upon completion of their office visit.

The AHS Team

“Care in our office is a team approach. I offer an orientation brochure to all new patients (available also on our website) so they know what to expect and the various roles our team members play,” Dr. Singh added. The staff is also very involved in the patient’s visits and follow-up care, Dr. Singh emphasized. “I was born in India, grew up and trained in Canada and continue to practice in both Canada and the US.

That gives me broad exposure to various health care systems and treatment approaches. I want to ensure that I offer my patients the highest quality of care possible,” asserted Dr. Singh. Concern for the raising costs of healthcare is something Dr. Singh and his staff hear often. “We work with our patients to deliver care that is within their budget.

We have some of the lowest self –pay rates for uninsured patients and are routinely cheaper than hospital-owned practices,” Dr. Singh explained. “I offer all my patients the best options first; I will also work with them on alternatives when the best may not be feasible.”The value of education and research are also of utmost importance to Dr. Singh.

“I want my patients to work with me on the best care for their condition,” Dr. Singh added. As part of his commitment to his patients, Dr. Singh has added one more key person to his staff.

Mrs. Richards

Mrs. Richards is available to all of Dr. Singh’s patients. “I can handle any concerns that were not addressed during a patient’s visit, get feedback on the overall patient care experience, and overall follow-up.

I also meet with primary care physicians to ensure that our consultation notes and test results get to them in a timely manner,” Richards explained. “Patients have mentioned that this extra level of communication provides them with a seamless concierge-style experience…without the concierge level price,” added Richards.

The Value of Research

“I run a large clinical research unit that is recognized nationally and internationally for excellence.

At Atlanta Heart Specialists, we can provide our patients early access to promising new therapies in a safe and caring environment. It is also important to know that you can participate in our research trials and still see your own established cardiologist,” Dr. Singh explained.

“I am also involved in various clinical trials, which provides clinicians with life-saving information, drugs, treatment plans and a wide range of helpful techniques to treat our cardiology patients.”Dr. Singh has participated in clinical trials for over 15 years.

“The diligent efforts of our highly talented team of certified clinical research coordinators, ensure those patients who choose to participate in clinical trials do so in an enjoyable, safe, caring and comforting environment,” Dr. Singh added.

More than any specialty in medicine, cardiology owes its success to an impressive array of clinical trials that have brought us wonder drugs such as beta blockers, statins, ACE inhibitors, and wonder devices such as stents, pacemakers and ICD’s.

“They serve to further determine how tomorrow’s treatment strategies will be employed,” added Dr. Singh. A clinical trial is a research study to answer specific questions about investigational treatments, or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials allow researchers to test to see if an investigational treatment is safe and effective.


“Doctors run the tests per strict rules set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and all of our studies are approved and overseen by an Institutional Review Board (IRB),” Dr. Singh explained. Being part of this growing community has been most rewarding,” Dr. Singh reflected.

“I’ve seen our communities grow and the healthcare services available to them grow as well.”Heart Care Beyond the Office Dr. Singh remains active in the pursuit of knowledge and education regarding cardiology and best practices. He is a teacher at the Medical College of Georgia and travels often to lecture other physicians.


“Students keep me sharp by asking the most basic questions that help reinforce in me the core principles behind our care delivery,” Dr. Singh remarked. Dr. Singh was a Clinical Assistant Professor at Emory prior to teaching at the medical college. Dr. Singh welcomes constructive feedback.


The practice utilizes services such as ZocDoc, Healthgrades and Vitals for patient reviews. “We also use social media such as Facebook, Twitter and E-mail to further enhance communication,” added Dr. Singh.

Dr. Narendra Singh

Narendra Singh, MD, FRCP(C), FACC, FAHA is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, and the Director of Clinical Research, Atlanta Heart Specialists LLC, Atlanta, GA.

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