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Supplements and YOUR HEART

One of the most common questions I am asked in my clinic is what supplements do you recommend to protect against heart disease. The answer is both simple…NONE… and complex… depends on what you mean by a supplement.A landmark study entitled INTERHEART...
Flutters in the Night-Be still My Beating heart !

Flutters in the Night-Be still My Beating heart !

One of the most common reasons for a cardiology consultation is the uncomfortable sensation of ones own heart beat either pausing, skipping or even racing. These are often most notable at night or when we are resting on our left side. Symptoms also include chest pain,...
Love Your heart through exercise

Love Your heart through exercise

February is heart month and you can show your heart some love through the benefits of exercise. If you are like me, the winter has taken a toll on the waistline and weight. In the landmark INTERHEART study 3 risk factors were deemed protective; daily consumption of...
Cashing In on the Mediterranean…Diet Wise

Cashing In on the Mediterranean…Diet Wise

Lately the study was terminated early in favor of both Mediterranean diets after a median follow up of just 4.8 years because of a 30% reduction in the combined endpoints of heart attacks, strokes and death from cardiovascular causes. The largest benefit came in the...
New Cholesterol Guidelines: What It Means For You

New Cholesterol Guidelines: What It Means For You

The report reemphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle that incorporates exercise and dietary modifications. Last fall the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association jointly issued the long awaited new guidelines for cholesterol...
CARDIAC IMAGING: More Than A Pretty Picture

CARDIAC IMAGING: More Than A Pretty Picture

In many ways the heart is a simple organ. It is a specialized muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body. That is its only role, but obviously a vital one; making sure it’s healthy is critically important. Hidden and protected behind your sternum the heart is not...