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CARDIAC IMAGING: More Than A Pretty Picture

CARDIAC IMAGING: More Than A Pretty Picture

In many ways the heart is a simple organ. It is a specialized muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body. That is its only role, but obviously a vital one; making sure it’s healthy is critically important. Hidden and protected behind your sternum the heart is not...
Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Heart EKG’S

Unlocking The Secrets Of Your Heart EKG’S

It is the most recognized symbol in cardiology. Those repetitive squiggles on a monitor show all is well when beating regularly but as many Hollywood movies attest to, they signal death when when they become a flat line. The EKG (electrocardiogram) was discovered in...
Recalling what to do with a Recall

Recalling what to do with a Recall

Recalls are common in the automotive world, toy industry and increasingly the food industry. Lately, in medicine, we are seeing more recalls of drugs and devices. Knowing what to do in such cases is very important to reduce the risk for harm. Currently a number of...
Generic Medications Are They Right For You ?

Generic Medications Are They Right For You ?

Generic medications are drugs that have been approved by the FDA as being ‘equivalent’ to the original brand name medication. They tend to be considerably less expensive . As the cost of healthcare rises the push to use generic medications increases both from a...