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Flutters in the Night-Be still My Beating heart !

Flutters in the Night-Be still My Beating heart !

One of the most common reasons for a cardiology consultation is the uncomfortable sensation of ones own heart beat either pausing, skipping or even racing. These are often most notable at night or when we are resting on our left side. Symptoms also include chest pain,...
Love Your heart through exercise

Love Your heart through exercise

February is heart month and you can show your heart some love through the benefits of exercise. If you are like me, the winter has taken a toll on the waistline and weight. In the landmark INTERHEART study 3 risk factors were deemed protective; daily consumption of...
Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention

Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention

Atrial fibrillation is the most common rhythm disturbance of the heart resulting in hospitalization. Fortunately, both prevention and treatment of atrial fibrillation has improved significantly. Common presenting symptoms include a racing heart, irregular heart...
To Cath Or Not To Cath… That Is The Question

To Cath Or Not To Cath… That Is The Question

Without a doubt one of the most powerful tools in cardiology is the heart catheterization (often called a cardiac angiogram). This involves advancing a very small flexible tube directly into the heart chambers and the blood vessels that supply the heart. This then...
Women, Hearts, And Health

Women, Hearts, And Health

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. Thanks to high profile awareness programs like the Red Dress Campaign and Go Red for Women there is increased recognition that heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. We have made great...