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Achieving Success With Heart Failure

Achieving Success With Heart Failure

The diagnosis of heart failure is one of the most dreaded your cardiologist can deliver. It carries with it a prognosis that is worse than most cancers. It is the final common pathway by which the heart fails to meet the needs of the body. As a result one feels...
Breakthroughs Big, Bold & Beneficial!

Breakthroughs Big, Bold & Beneficial!

Lowering Bad Cholesterol While diet and exercise are always the first step, for many patients this is not enough. Statins have been the major class of drugs used to lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Overall these drugs are very safe, effective, and in many cases...
High Hopes for Heart Failure Help

High Hopes for Heart Failure Help

Since my original article on heart failure in the December 2012 issue of this magazine we have come a long way in terms of the treatment of heart failure. Heart failure is categorized into groups. The most common is called heart failure with reduced ejection fraction...