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New Cholesterol Guidelines: What It Means For You

New Cholesterol Guidelines: What It Means For You

The report reemphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle that incorporates exercise and dietary modifications. Last fall the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association jointly issued the long awaited new guidelines for cholesterol...
Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention

Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention

Atrial fibrillation is the most common rhythm disturbance of the heart resulting in hospitalization. Fortunately, both prevention and treatment of atrial fibrillation has improved significantly. Common presenting symptoms include a racing heart, irregular heart...
Fear Not, Faint Not

Fear Not, Faint Not

One of the most common reasons to be seen in my office is for a fainting or near fainting episode. Fainting can occur for a number of reasons. It can be neurological such as stroke or seizure. Other times it can be heart related such as electrical disturbances or...
Waist Loss, Weight Loss, Health Gained

Waist Loss, Weight Loss, Health Gained

As American we have the dubious distinction of being the most overweight country in the world. Much of this can be attributed to a “toxic” lifestyle we have become accustomed to. We eat too much (super sizing and unlimited buffets) yet we exercise too little (drive...
To Cath Or Not To Cath… That Is The Question

To Cath Or Not To Cath… That Is The Question

Without a doubt one of the most powerful tools in cardiology is the heart catheterization (often called a cardiac angiogram). This involves advancing a very small flexible tube directly into the heart chambers and the blood vessels that supply the heart. This then...