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Preventing Eye Injuries

Experts say more than 90% of eye injuries can be prevented by simply taking a few precautions and wearing safety glasses. Those can be with corrective lenses or without any power. Either way, the lenses have to be made from Polycarbonate or Trivex material. If you use...

Supplements and YOUR HEART

One of the most common questions I am asked in my clinic is what supplements do you recommend to protect against heart disease. The answer is both simple…NONE… and complex… depends on what you mean by a supplement.A landmark study entitled INTERHEART...
Statins : What’s real what’s not!

Statins : What’s real what’s not!

A class of cardiac medications called ‘statins’ has recently received a lot of press coverage. The headlines include claims that statins save lives, cause diabetes, reduce Parkinson’s disease, and increase memory loss. These are amongst the top selling medications...
Generic Medications Are They Right For You ?

Generic Medications Are They Right For You ?

Many companies have samples, assistance programs, voucher cards, and free 30 day supplies for branded prescription drugs. Generic medications are drugs that have been approved by the FDA as being ‘equivalent’ to the original brand name medication. They tend to be...
Hypertension is No Hype

Hypertension is No Hype

We have all heard about hypertension ; some of us have hypertension, less are treated for hypertension and too few are adequately protected from hypertension. Hypertension (high blood pressure- HBP) is the leading treatable risk factor for death worldwide. It affects...